Thursday, August 25, 2016

Letting go is painful.

Being married to someone who has a chronic mental illness is painful.  First you think this wonderful person can't possibly be ill, then you think it is all your fault, followed by if you only do everything then you can prevent decompensation, and finally the reality that there is nothing you can do if your loved one won't be acceptable for his own illness.  The bitter reality is that if your loved one values you and your family more than his narcissistic pride, then they will seek treatment.  Of course,you feel terrible when you realize that your years of love and sacrifice never amounted to much when they they choose themselves over you.  

Even under ideal conditions and a care agreement between you and your partner--there are risks that the illness will take over and the agreed upon actions will never occur  

How long do you stay in the relationship?   When is it enough?  When are you over it all?  

Have I failed?  Should I have worked harder?  Could I have loved more?  Should I have done something different?  Would it have made a difference?  

Sadly,    probably not.    Some days I feel like I wasted my life........

Need to focus on the future.  Me. My kids. New adventures.  A new life.  A new future........

More to come..........

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Latest Crush

Lately, I have been crushing on a new mind set (minimalism ala KonMari method)

and a new appliance, THE INSTANT POT (an electric pressure cooker).

Why would the two actually be part of the same process you ask?  The Kon Mari method focuses on living with less, discarding the old, only having the items that "spark joy" and I just purchased yet another kitchen appliance.

Well, the Instant Pot Duo is actually a 7 in 1 appliance.  It is a pressure cooker, slow cooker, sauce pan, rice maker, yoghurt maker extraordinaire.  Works beautifully, in less time--might I add, so I got rid of the old--cranky--occasionally non functional equipment such as my ancient zojirushi rice cooker (intermittent connection with finicky cord) and round crock pot with the missing knob as well as two stove top pressure cookers that I was afraid to use and replaced it with one super duper, fantastic, easy to use kitchen miracle worker!!!!

I have created space on my counter top as well as in my cupboards.  Cooking takes up less time!!!!  Enjoying some new recipes.  Yum, yum.

I purchased my Instant Pot from Amazon.  Here is the link.

Instant Pot Link

I made wings last night and will do so again (in preparation for spring break CK coming home).  I plan to post the recipe and pics (promise!!!!).

Can't say enough about this produce and can't say enough about the KonMari method.  Really allows for space, calm, and peace.  When you think about it, surrounding yourself with only thing that "spark joy" improves your living space immensely.

I was fortunate that colleagues in my office space were all in the same journey at the same time, so we were able to support and celebrate efforts.  Examine obstacles.  Offer solutions.  Let me tell you, this is the way to go.

Word of caution, don't let hoarders bring you down.  They will TRY.  Persevere.  You can do it.  Remember that "storage experts are hoarders"  LCMOTU, page 22.

I will leave you with a quote from the Marie Kondo book.

"A dramatic reorganization of the home causes correspondingly-dramatic changes in lifestyle and perspective"

See you later.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

PBS Masterpiece

Well, looks to be the end of Downton Abbey.  At least they are planning closure, somewhat.  I have seen interviews with the various actors/actresses involved and although a great run for their careers, they all seem ready to be done.  Move on, etc.  Doubtful there will be spin offs and if so, I would likely not watch since the attraction of the show is the interplay between the characters rather than single story lines.

To my surprise, Call The Midwife, continues, even after Nurse Jenny left.  I have quite enjoyed the series with the replacements and look forward to new ones, which started playing in the UK Jan 2016 with another Christmas 2016 special also already planned  The Christmas special 2015 was really nice and thought provoking.

I guess the next to make a Masterpiece appearance is Mercy Street with a subject near and dear to my heart.  Nursing, albeit the civil war.  A take on being a nurse for the Blue or the Gray.

Stop by the my easy shop.  Running a 15% sale using LOVEYOU as coupon code.  The tea wallets are precious.  

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Well, it was a pretty terrible year.  

I made it to 2016.

Had a birthday yesterday.

Hope for better year, although it could always be worse, I guess.

Thinking that perhaps some achievable New Years Resolutions might be a place to start.  You know the kind I am thinking about.  Not the lose 50 lbs,  only eat organic,  redecorate the entire house (yeah and go broke, if you aren't there already with those big ideas!!!), exercise every morning at 5 AM, invest $10,000,  blah, blah, blah.

I mean the buy organic salad greens to make your weekly salad, walk at lunch 3x weekly, pick a yucky, dirty, dark corner of the house to clean and redecorate, move your existing furniture around to create a new look, take cuttings from existing plants to grow new ones without the cost (just a pot, soil, and TLC), grow plants from seeds, etc.

Blog more faithfully, starting today,  check, already done (the today part, that is).

Plan weekly menus, check, sort of done (started with breakfast for the week and combined with my grocery list)

Watch and recommit on a weekly basis to following the organizing and cleaning principles in this you tube video 10 Habits for keeping a clean house

Working on the plant propagation, but that is for another blog.  The geraniums were a snap, but I was not so sure about the roses.  I only have a 50/50 success rate with roses in general and black spot is still what gets them every year.  I need to work harder on this, but so far, I am seeing success with 2 knockout ( believe that is what they are called)  roses.  

I hope.
