Sunday, June 7, 2015

Savings, recipes, and flowers.

Savings at my Etsy store.  Just type in coupon code SUMMERFUN for a 15% savings on purchase.  

Just click on the link below and you will be directed to my shop

MyPetitBisous ETSY shop

I just added a few more items and more to come this week.  Check out the gallery on the blog!!!!

NOW on to recipes.  A few years ago, I scored about 5 boxes of old recipe cards and clippings.  My plan was to work through these and post them as I cooked them with comments, critiques, and thumbs up or down if I would ever keep them.

Well, life got in the way and I never got around to doing that, but I have found one of the boxes yesterday and I believe I will try again.  The interesting thing is that these recipes and clippings are all from the West Coast and I live on the East Coast, so they have a Cali/exotic/fusion spice to them.

I will start with something simple today.



4 pears, diced
1 red onion
Juice of 2 limes
1/4 cup of cilantro
1 TBSP honey

Mix together pears, onion, lime juice, cilantro and honey in glass bowl (I am slowly replacing my plastic containers with glass ones--food tastes way better in them). Cover and refrigerate overnight. Expect the red onion to bleed some red color into the pears.

Total prep time: 15 minutes 8 hours to chill

Makes 6 cups


p.s.  Will post a pic when chilled.

Now I leave you with a favorite photograph from the Botanical Gardens.  Not sure what it is, but I believe it is an Allium.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Flowers, flowers, flowers..........

Visited the US botanical gardens in D.C. today.  Wow!  I have been there before, but it was fall/winter and the outdoor gardens were not in bloom like today.  The weather was perfect.  We took advantage of this and some free all day parking by the Capital Building.  I have included the link below.  Check it out.

The outdoor portion of the garden was very interesting.  Starts with a butterfly garden.  The flowers were pretty, but no butterflies, unfortunately.

There is a "mailbox" at every new portion of the garden with general information such as this one for the butterfly garden.

Then on to the First Ladies Water Garden.  It was so pretty, and hard to resist taking off your shoes to dip your toes in the cool water.  But, this is forbidden.

The flowers and the grounds were so well maintained.  Looked very natural.  We found out that the gardeners and grounds keepers work from 6-10 AM every day (when the museum is closed) and then drive out to the "production center" which is basically 34 greenhouses spread out on 2 acres to maintain and work the new additions, back ups, etc.  They allow visitors to the "production center" only once/year and my husband and I were lucky to get in this year (August 19, 2015).  Really looking forward to that.

Well enough for now.  Will update again tomorrow with the regional habitat gardens that are directly behind the First Ladies Water Garden.

Friday, June 5, 2015



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comets my blog and store to check it out.

I'M BACK!!!!!

Just added some new stuff to my shop.   Stop by!!!!

I even have a coupon code to the store.  If you see something you like, just type i SUMMERFUN FOR 10% OFF.
